Creating Together During Corona
/I’ve been missing some real face to face time with my creatives lately. I don’t experience the same kind of energy and humanistic interaction on a Zoom call or online session. When it comes to creativity, it’s the tactile elements, spontaneity and interaction between everyone sitting around my table which creates the magic I love about our gatherings. But we are all making great efforts to continue sharing our weekly creative happenings using technology for the time being. Every Friday, I lead with a thread of images and short list of what I created for the week and everyone follows with theirs. A follow up call is just a way for everyone to see each other on screen, say hi and fill in the blanks. This small group (four of us total) has varied talent and learns from each other. Inspiration is everywhere, even in times of a pandemic—finding it and capturing it is crucial to our daily mental survival. I am grateful to have these creative ladies in my life.
This week I am sharing the work of my very creative ladies.
Photo Below By Jina Kasel: (image on right using Waterlogue App)
Artwork Below By Anita Alvarez Dickinson
Creations Below By Donna O’Klock