The NoteBook Club
/My notebook is my place to discover and unwind through creativity. Creating alone is very productive, peaceful, and meditative for me. I also know and value the energy that my creative peeps bring to the table. In the past few years, we have only gathered occasionally. I felt it was time to make this fun, structured, and consistent as I organized “The NoteBook Club”.
A friend sent me an article titled “The Hobby Loved by Teenage Girls That Could Ward Off Dementia” This excerpt caught my attention, “It's a hobby usually associated with teenage girls, glittery pens and heartbreak. But keeping a diary – or a journal – could also help older people ward off dementia, research suggests” And I’m telling you that we are never too old to sit around with others who want to share ideas, spend time in their notebooks, and be silly, bold, daring, and uninhibited in our creativity. The energy is magical and priceless! I encourage you to do the same.
Some topics discussed in our first meeting were ideas of what to include on our pages. I keep this list in my notebook as a reminder: collage art, sketches, photos, quotes and excerpts, gratitude, doodles, ideas, poems, online lessons, black-out poems, textbook art, blog post notes, and lyrics. I brought a few of my filled notebooks to show as examples. We decided to pass our notebooks around at the end of every meeting moving forward.
Inspired and grateful, ~Maria
“Inside you there’s an artist you don’t know about… say yes quickly, if you know, if you’ve known it from before the beginning of the universe.” ~Rumi