Woman in Charge
/“The Woman in Charge”
A creative task I really enjoy doing is what I call “text page art”. Starting with a page from a paperback, read through it, find a few words that catch your eye. Use that as the title for an image that you can either sketch directly on the page or look through magazines for something.
The image above: I used a text page from “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown. The image on top of the text was borrowed from art director Andrew P. Kner, Print Magazine cover 1979. I had a postcard with that image and I believe subconsciously the title and image came together well before I decided they would.
2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing and protecting women's constitutional right to vote. I did not realize that when I created this in my notebook.
I love how the magic of creativity works. But is it really magic or is it that when we are prepared, creativity is more readily available? I’d like to think that it’s a combination of both.